The Blowout Kicks Off With A Blowout!
The Blowout Kicks Off With A Blowout!
Man I love this time a year when the Blowout comes around! Made it through the Launch Party in fine fashion and am eagerly awaiting the blitz on Ham Town starting tonight, ending on Saturday! What a great time last night at the Majestic Complex in downtown Detroit where the Blowout Launch Party kicked things off with just about everybody who’s anybody in the local Detroit scene was present and accounted for! Great time as everyone is located under one roof for the night making it easy to get around. As pointed out in our Dr2 Guide To The Blowout, the blowout is the place for everything from the obscure, insane, wacky, rock, country, metal, rap, emo and indie, and boy did we get a good dose of that last night. Caught some amazing music last night from the psychedelic rock of Cetan (don’t call me Seetan, cus it’s Chetta????) Clawson Revolution, the indie pop of I,Crime (awesome set) & The EONS, the melodramatics of the Silent Years, Human Eyez, to the electro pop of Bump! All in all the performances were totally kick ass, but the “real” fun was in the crowd, people watching, meeting new peeps, and catching up with the old friends!
I must say that the most extraordinary event of the night was when we swaggered up to the bar inside the Majestic, and realizing that the Molson Dictatorship had been overthrown and booted out on it’s ass! Thank you Budweiser! As with all coups around the world, this one was not without it’s own casualties, I mean if Budweiser is actually sponsoring the Blowout, not quite realizing that there is a Budweiser insignia in place of the Molson one, then where was all the Bud products? Thankful enough that we had a choice, but WTF is up with drinking Miller Lite at a “Bud” sponsored event? LOL….. Well tonight’s the night that the Blowout rev’s up and invades just about every frickin Club, Corner Bar, & even the local VFW hall with be used for 3 night’s of unbelievable music from all over the genre map. Dr2 will be there scooping out as much music as humanely possible and then some. Best spots to start the night off will be over at Kelly’s Bar where The Bloids will be tuning their game before heading down to Austin Tx for that huge SXSW event. Or you may want to start off over at Paycheck’s were our favorite all girl rock & roll band Hellen will be flashing their stuff as only Hellen can! Other sure fire bets will be the Midnight set by Doop & The Inside Outlaws also at Paychecks, and Lime Regal will be belting out the hook laden anthem rock over at Shenanigan’s. One thing for certain is that if you like local music of any style, then Hamtramck is the place to be this weekend starting tonight! Be sure to head on over to our MySpace page to check out the photos from last night’s launch party. Out of here for now, need to get me some Pierogies, so check back as we’ll continue the update throught the weekend ……Detroit Rock Review, The Only Place for Local Music News & Reviews!